Chain Rules for Entropy, Relative Entropy and Mutual Information
We now show that the entropy of a collection of random variables is the sum of the conditional entropies.
Note: 本文的证明还比较粗糙, 后面会改进.
Ref: Elements of Information Theory
We now show that the entropy of a collection of random variables is the sum of the conditional entropies.
Note: 本文的证明还比较粗糙, 后面会改进.
Ref: Elements of Information Theory
在不同的统计学(包括概率论, 信息论, 随机过程)教材中常常会见到不同的符号约定, 这里整理一下并作出说明.
本文介绍"Probability Spaces", 这是概率论中的基本概念. 注意到, 概率论的公理化基础是测度论, 因此对于概率度量函数\(\mathbb P\)的讨论涉及一些测度论知识.
A trie (pronounced as "try") or prefix tree is a tree data structure used for storing and searching a specific key from a set, usually a string set.
Using Trie, search complexities can be brought to O(n)(n = key length).
208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
204. Count Primes
Given an integer n
, return the number of prime numbers that are strictly less than n
Dynamic programming(DP) problems that typically use one pointer. E.g., Integer[] memo