A Very Special Function for LTIC Systems: The Everlasting Exponential


  1. B. P. Lathi & Roger Green. (2021). Chapter 2: Time-Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems. Signal Processing and Linear Systems (2nd ed., pp. 193-195). Oxford University Press.

In this section I will illustrate that, for a system specified by the differential equation \[ \begin{equation} \label{eq_2_2} Q(D) y(t)=P(D) x(t) , \end{equation} \]

its transfer function is \(H(s)\), the bilateral Laplace transform of \(h(t)\), which is the unit impulse response of the system, and that \(H(s)\) also satisfies: \[ \color{teal} {H(s)=\frac{P(s)}{Q(s)}} . \]

The response to the everlasting exponential

There is a very special connection of LTIC systems with the everlasting exponential function \(e^{s t}\), where \(s\) is a complex variable, in general.

We now show that the LTIC system's (zero-state) response to everlasting exponential input \(e^{s t}\) is also the same everlasting exponential (within a multiplicative constant). Moreover, no other function can make the same claim (I think it is not proved here).


Note that we are talking here of an everlasting exponential (or sinusoid), which starts at \(\ell=-\infty\).

If \(h(t)\) is the system's unit impulse response, then system response \(y(t)\) to an everlasting exponential \(e^{s t}\) is given by \[ y(t)=h(t) * e^{s t}=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(\tau) e^{s(t-\tau)} d \tau=e^{s t} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(\tau) e^{-s \tau} d \tau \]

The integral on the right-most side can be denoted as \(H(s)\), which is also complex, in general.

Thus, \[ \begin{equation} \label{eq_2_38} \textcolor{blue} { y(t)=H(s) e^{s t} } \end{equation} \] where \[ \begin{equation} \label{eq_2_38b} \textcolor{green} { H(s)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(\tau) e^{-s \tau} d \tau } . \end{equation} \]

Later, we will elaborate that, by the definition of the bilateral Laplace transform, \(\eqref{eq_2_38b}\) is the bilateral Laplace transform of \(h(t)\). Also, note that equation \(\eqref{eq_2_38}\) is valid iff \(\eqref{eq_2_38b}\) converges, the domain of \(H(s)\) is also called the region of convergence (ROC).

For a given \(s\), note that \(H(s)\) is a constant. Thus, the input and the output are the same (within a multiplicative constant) for the everlasting exponential signal. Q.E.D.

The transfer function

The transfer function of the system is a function of complex variable \(s\) that is defined as \[ \text{Transfer function}=\left.\frac{\text { output signal }}{\text { input signal }}\right|_{\text {input} = e^{s t}} \]

The transfer function is defined for, and is meaningful to, LTIC systems only. It does not exist for nonlinear or time-varying systems, in general.

We repeat again that this discussion is about the everlasting exponential, which starts at \(t=-\infty\), not the causal exponential \(e^{s t} u(t)\), which starts at \(t=0\).

# TODO this only holds for x(t) = e^{st}, not general x(t).

Now we prove that, for a system specified by \[ \begin{equation} \label{eq_2_2} Q(D) y(t)=P(D) x(t) , \end{equation} \]

its transfer function is \(H(s)\) as in \(\eqref{eq_2_38b}\), i.e., the bilateral Laplace transform of \(h(t)\), and that \(H(s)\) also satisfies: \[ \color{teal} {H(s)=\frac{P(s)}{Q(s)}} . \]

This follows readily by considering an everlasting input \(\textcolor{purple} {x(t)=e^{s t}}\). According to \(\eqref{eq_2_38}\), the output is \[ \textcolor{pink} { y(t)=H(s) e^{s t}} . \]

Substitution of this \(x(t)\) and \(y(t)\) in \(\eqref{eq_2_2}\) yields \[ \textcolor{pink} {H(s) }\left[Q(D) \textcolor{pink} {e^{s t} }\right]=P(D) \textcolor{purple} { e^{s t} } . \]

Moreover, \[ D^r e^{s t}=\frac{d^r e^{s t}}{d t^r}=s^r e^{s t} \]

Hence, \[ P(D) e^{s t}=P(s) e^{s t} \quad \text { and } \quad Q(D) e^{s t}=Q(s) e^{s t} \]

Consequently, \[ H(s)=\frac{P(s)}{Q(s)} . \]