Instruction Set Architectures


  1. John L. Hennessy & David A. Patterson. (2019). Chapter 2. Memory Hierarchy Design. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (6th ed., pp. 78-148). Elsevier Inc.
  2. RISC-V instruction format
  3. ECS201A: ISAs and Machine Representation

Instruction set architectures

Instruction set architectures (ISA) is a contract between hardware and software.

  • Instruction format specifies: instruction format, virtual memory, number of registers, size of registers, exception, and etc.

Architecture, microarchitecture and technology

  • Architecture: In Computer Architecture context, the term architecture refers to the interface as seen by the programmer. ISA belongs to architecture.
  • Microarchitecture: the hardware implementation of the architecture (specifically, the ISA). The study of microarchitecture would include topics like pipelining, instruction-level parallelism (ILP), out-of-order execution, speculative execution, branch prediction and caching.
  • Techonology: In Computer Architecture context, the term technology refers to transistors and process technology.

The cache coherence protocol (the implementation of how the caches are kept transparent to the programmer), such as MESA, is part of the microarchitecture. It is primarily implemented in hardware.

The memory consistency model (the details of how loads and stores are ordered in a program) is part of the architecture.

Features of ISAs

Nearly all ISAs today are classified as general-purpose register architectures, where the operands are either registers or memory locations. The 80x86 has 16 general-purpose registers and 16 that can hold floating-point data, while RISC-V has 32 general-purpose and 32 floating-point registers.

Virtually all ISAS use byte addressing to access memory operands.

ISAs can be classified by following perspectives:

  1. Whether can instructions access memory directly:

    1. register-memory ISAs: one example is the 80x86, which can access memory as part of many instructions
    2. load-store ISAs: two examples are ARMv8 and RISC-V, which can access memory only with load or store instructions.
      • All ISAs announced since 1985 are load-store.
  2. Whether the memory addressing is aligned: Some architectures, like ARMv8, require that objects must be aligned. An access to an object of size \(s\) bytes at byte address \(A\) is aligned if \(A \mod s = 0\).

    The 80x86 and RISC-V do not require alignment, but accesses are generally faster if operands are aligned.

  3. Addressing modes: In addition to specifying registers and constant operands, addressing modes specify the address of a memory object. RISC-V addressing modes are:

    1. Register,
    2. Immediate (for constants), and
    3. Displacement, where a constant offset is added to a register to form the memory address.

    The 80x86 supports those three modes, plus three variations of displacement: no register (absolute), two registers (based indexed with displacement), and two registers.

  4. Formats: There are two basic choices: fixed length and variable length.

    1. All ARMv8 and RISC-V instructions are 32 bits long, which simplifies instruction decoding. See Figure 1.7.
    2. The 80x86 encoding is variable length, ranging from 1 to 18 bytes
  5. Operations: The general categories of operations are

    1. data transfer,
    2. arithmetic logical,
    3. control (discussed next), and
    4. floating point.

    This table summarizes the integer RISC-V ISA, and this table lists the floating-point ISA.

    The 80x86 has a much richer and larger set of operations.


  • Reduced instruction set computing (RISC)
    1. Small number of instructions.
    2. Load/store architecture.
    3. Operating on two operands.
    4. Greatly simplifies implementation of allowed for higher frequency.


  • Complex instruction set computing (CISC)
    • Many instructions --> instructions are broken into sub-operations (micro code) by hardware


RISC-V is a simple and easy-to-pipeline instruction set architecture, and it is representative of the RISC architectures being used in 2017.


RISC-V registers, names, usage, and calling conventions:

Register Name Use Saver
x0 zero The constant value 0 N.A.
x1 ra Return address Caller
x2 sp Stack pointer Callee
x3 gp Global pointer -
x4 tp Thread pointer -
x5-x7 t0-t2 Temporaries Caller
x8 s0 / fp Saved register/frame pointer Callee
x9 s1 Saved register Callee
x10-x11 \(\mathrm{a} 0-\mathrm{a} 1\) Function arguments/return values Caller
x12-x17 a2-a7 Function arguments Caller
x18-x27 s2-s11 Saved registers Callee
x28-x31 t3-t6 Temporaries Caller
f0-f7 ft0-ft7 FP temporaries Caller
f8-f9 fs0-fs1 FP saved registers Callee
f10-f11 fa0-fa1 FP function arguments/return values Caller
f12-f17 fa2-fa7 FP function arguments Caller
f18-f27 fs2-fs11 FP saved registers Callee
f28-f31 ft8-ft11 FP temporaries Caller

RISC-V has 32 general-purpose registers (x0-x31), and 32 floating-point registers (f0-f31) that can hold either a 32-bit single-precision number or a 64-bit double-precision number.

The registers that are preserved across a procedure call are labeled "Callee" saved.

Instruction formats

Figure 1.7 The base RISC-V ISA formats.

All instructions are 32 bits long.

All registers are referenced by 5 bits.


  1. The R format is for integer register-to-register operations, such as ADD, SUB, and so on.
  2. The I format is for loads and immediate operations, such as LD and ADDI.
  3. The B format is for branches and
    • The immediate is disrupted, so it will be decoded when the CPU executes in the future. After decoding, the CPU needs to restore the disrupted immediate in order. For example, when the CPU gets a B-type instruction, the immediate in it is scrambled, and the CPU needs to arrange the immediate in the order of 12-1 to restore the immediate.
  4. the J format is for jumps and link.
    • The immediate of J-type is signed and also disrupted. That means that the CPU must first put the immediate numbers together to restore the original immediate numbers when decoding.
  5. The S format is for stores. Having a separate format for stores allows the three register specifiers (rd, rs1, rs2) to always be in the same location in all formats.
  6. The U format is for the wide immediate instructions (LUI, AUIPC).

Insturction type

RISC-V has a base set of instructions (R64I) and offers optional extensions: multiply-divide (RVM), single-precision floating point (RVF), double-precision floating point (RVD).

Integer insturction types

This table includes R64I and RVM:

Instruction type/opcode Instruction meaning
Data transfers Move data between registers and memory, or between the integer and FP or special registers; only memory address mode is 12-bit displacement + contents of a GPR
1b, 1bu, sb Load byte, load byte unsigned, store byte (to/from integer registers)
1h, 1hu, sh Load half word, load half word unsigned, store half word (to/from integer registers)
1w, 1wu, sw Load word, load word unsigned, store word (to/from integer registers)
1d, sd Load double word, store double word (to/from integer registers)
f1w, f1d, fsw, fsd Load SP float, load DP float, store SP float, store DP float
fmv..x, fmv.x. Copy from/to integer register to/from floating-point register; "-"=S for single-precision, D for double-precision
csrrw, csrrwi, csrrs, csrrsi, csrrc, csrrci Read counters and write status registers, which include counters: clock cycles, time, instructions retired
Arithmetic/logical Operations on integer or logical data in GPRs
add, addi, addw, addiw Add, add immediate (all immediates are 12 bits), add 32-bits only & sign-extend to 64 bits, add immediate 32-bits only
sub, subw Subtract, subtract 32-bits only
mul, mulw, mulh, mulhsu, mulhu Multiply, multiply 32-bits only, multiply upper half, multiply upper half signed-unsigned, multiply upper half unsigned
div, divu, rem, remu Divide, divide unsigned, remainder, remainder unsigned
divw, divuw, remw, remuw Divide and remainder: as previously, but divide only lower 32-bits, producing 32-bit sign-extended result
and, andi And, and immediate
or, ori, xor, xori Or, or immediate, exclusive or, exclusive or immediate
lui Load upper immediate; loads bits 31-12 of register with immediate, then sign-extends
auipc Adds immediate in bits 31-12 with zeros in lower bits to PC; used with JALR to transfer control to any 32-bit address
sll, slli, srl, srli, sra, srai Shifts: shift left logical, right logical, right arithmetic; both variable and immediate forms
sllw, slliw, srlw, srliw, sraw, sraiw Shifts: as previously, but shift lower 32-bits, producing 32-bit sign-extended result
slt, slti, sltu, sltiu Set less than, set less than immediate, signed and unsigned
Control Conditional branches and jumps; PC-relative or through register
beq, bne, blt, bge, bltu, bgeu Branch GPR equal/not equal; less than; greater than or equal, signed and unsigned
jal, jalr Jump and link: save PC+4, target is PC-relative (JAL) or a register (JALR); if specify X0 as destination register, then acts as a simple jump
ecall Make a request to the supporting execution environment, which is usually an OS
ebreak Debuggers used to cause control to be transferred back to a debugging environment
fence, fence.i Synchronize threads to guarantee ordering of memory accesses; synchronize instructions and data for stores to instruction memory
  • JAL (Jump and Link):: The "jal" instruction also performs an unconditional jump like "j," but it additionally stores the return address in a register..

    It allows a subroutine to jump to a target address and then return back to the original caller by using the stored return address.

Floating point insturction types

This table includes R64I, RVF and RVD.

Instruction type/opcode Instruction meaning
Floating point FP operations on DP and SP formats
fadd.d, fadd.s Add DP, SP numbers
fsub.d, fsub.s Subtract DP, SP numbers
fmul.d, fmul.s Multiply DP, SP floating point
fmadd.d, fmadd.s, fnmadd.d, fnmadd.s Multiply-add DP, SP numbers; negative multiply-add DP, SP numbers
fmsub.d, fmsub.s, fnmsub.d, fnmsub.s Multiply-sub DP, SP numbers; negative multiply-sub DP, SP numbers
fdiv.d, fdiv.s Divide DP, SP floating point
fsqrt.d, fsqrt.s Square root DP, SP floating point
fmax.d, fmax.s, fmin.d, fmin.s Maximum and minimum DP, SP floating point
Convert instructions Convert instructions: FCVT. x. y converts from type x to type y, where x and y are L (64-bit integer), W (32-bit integer), D (DP), or S (SP). Integers can be unsigned (U)
feq._,flt.,fle.- Floating-point compare between floating-point registers and record the Boolean result in integer register; "-" =S for single-precision, D for double-precision
fclass.d, fclass.s Writes to integer register a 10-bit mask that indicates the class of the floating-point number (-∞, +∞, -0, +0, NaN, ...)
fsgnj._, fsgnjn._, fsgnjx.- Sign-injection instructions that changes only the sign bit: copy sign bit from other source, the opposite of sign bit of other source, XOR of the 2 sign bits