
A special type of relation called "tree" in Discrete Mathematics.

Ref: Discrete Mathematical Structures, Sixth Edition, Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross.


Let \(A\) be a set, and let \(T\) be a relation on \(A\). We say that \(T\) is a tree if there is a vertex \(v_0\) in \(A\) with the property that there exists a unique path in \(T\) from \(v_0\) to every other vertex in \(A\), but no path from \(v_0\) to \(v_0\).


We show below that the vertex \(v_0\) , described in the definition of a tree, is unique. It is often called the root of the tree \(T\) , and T is then referred to as a rooted tree. We write \((T, v_0)\) to denote a rooted tree \(T\) with root \(v0\).

If \((T, v0)\) is a rooted tree on the set \(A\), an element \(v\) of \(A\) will often be referred to as a vertex in \(T\). This terminology simplifies the discussion, since it often happens that the underlying set \(A\) of \(T\) is of no importance.


Let \((T, v_0)\) be a rooted tree. Then:

  1. There are no cycles in \(T\).

    这意味着tree是Directed Acylic Graph(DAG, 有向无环图)的真子集. 因為有向無環圖中從一個點到另一個點有可能存在兩種路線, 因此有向無環圖未必能轉化成樹, 但任何有向樹均為有向無環圖.

  2. \(v_0\) is the only root of \(T\).

  3. Each vertex in \(T\), other than \(v_0\), has in-degree one, and \(v_0\) has in-degree.


There are no cycles in \(T\).

Suppose that there is a cycle \(q\) in \(T\) , beginning and ending at vertex \(v\) . By definition of a tree, we know that \(v \neq v_{0}\) , and there must be a path \(p\) from \(v_{0}\) to \(v\) . Then \(q \circ p\) is a path from \(v_{0}\) to \(v\) that is different from \(p\) , and this contradicts the definition of a tree.

翻译: 如果有一条环\(q\), 假设其起点和终点为\(v\), 根据树的定义"no path from \(v_0\) to \(v_0\)", 则 \(v \neq v_{0}\) .

又根据定义, 存在边\(p\)从v0出发到达\(v\), 则 \(q \circ p\) 也是一条从\(v_0\)\(p\)的路径, 并且它不等于\(p\). 这意味着从\(v_0\)到达\(w_1\)的路径不唯一, 与树的定义冲突.

\(v_0\) is the only root of \(T\).

If $ v_{0}^{}$ is another root of T , there is a path p from $ v_{0}$ to \(v_{0}^{\prime}\) and a path \(q\) from \(v_{0}^{\prime}\) to \(v_{0}\) (since $ v_{0}^{}$ is a root). Then \(q \circ p\) is a cycle from $ v_{0}$ to $ v_{0}$ , and this is impossible by definition. Hence the vertex \(v_{0}\) is the unique root.

Each vertex in \(T\), other than \(v_0\), has in-degree one, and \(v_0\) has in-degree.

Let \(w_{1}\) be a vertex in \(T\) other than \(v_{0}\) . Then there is a unique path \(v_{0}, \ldots, v_{k}, w_{1}\) from \(v_{0}\) to $ w_{1}$ in \(T\). This means that \(\left(v_{k}, w_{1}\right) \in T\) , so \(w_{1}\) has in-degree at least one.

翻译: 假设 \(w_{1}\) 是不同于 \(v_{0}\) 的点, 那么必定存在一条唯一的, 从\(v_0\)\(w_1\)的路径 \(v_{0}, \ldots, v_{k}, w_{1}\) . 因此有边\(\left(v_{k}, w_{1}\right) \in T\) , 因此 \(w_{1}\) has in-degree at least one.

If the in-degree of \(w_{1}\) is more than one, there must be distinct vertices \(w_{2}\) and \(w_{3}\) such that $(w_{2}, w_{1}) $ and $ (w_{3}, w_{1})$ are both in \(T\) . If \(w_{2} \neq v_{0}\) and $ w_{3} v_{0}$ , there are paths \(p_{2}\) from $v_{0} $ to \(w_{2}\) and \(p_{3}\) from \(v_{0}\) to \(w_{3}\) , by definition. Then \(\left(w_{2}, w_{1}\right) \circ p_{2}\) and $ (w_{3}, w_{1}) p_{3}$ are two different paths from \(v_{0}\) to \(w_{1}\) , and this contradicts the definition of a tree with root \(v_{0}\) .

翻译: 假设\(w_{1}\)的in-degree大于1, 则必定有两个点\(w_2, w3\)使得 $(w_{2}, w_{1}) $ and $ (w_{3}, w_{1})$ 在该树中. 由于树只能有一个root \(v_0\), 所以:

  1. 如果\(w_2\), \(w3\)均不为\(v_0\), 则根据树的定义, 分别存在从\(v_0\)出发到达\(w_2, w_3\)的路径\(p2\), \(p3\). 那么就存在两条路径到达w_1, 分别为: \(p2 \to(w_2, w_1)\)\(p3 \to (w3, w_1)\) . \(p2\), \(p3\)都是从\(v_0\)出发的, 这意味着从\(v_0\)到达\(w_1\)的路径不唯一, 与树的定义冲突.
  2. 如果Rw_2, w_3R中有一个是\(v_0\), 假设\(w_2\)\(v_0\). 则存在两条路径到达\(w_{1}\): $ (v0, w_1)$ 和 \(p3 \to (w3, w_1)\). 同上, 与树的定义冲突.

Hence, the in-degree of \(w_{1}\) is one. We leave it as an exercise to complete the proof if \(w_{2}=v_{0}\) or \(w_{3}=v_{0}\) and to show that $ v_{0}$ has in-degree zero.


Ref: Binary Trees by Nick Parlante

  • Root: The root of a tree has no parent.
  • Parent: A node with a child or children.
  • Child: A node extended from another node (parent node).
  • Leaf: A node without a child.
  • Define depth() of node A in a tree rooted at X to be length of path from X to A.
  • Define height() of node A to be max depth of any node in the subtree rooted at X

Kinds of Tree

Binary Tree

A binary tree is either empty (represented by a null pointer), or is made of a single node, where the left and right pointers (recursive definition ahead) each point to a binary tree.

Binary Search Tree

A "binary search tree" (BST) or "ordered binary tree" is a type of binary tree where the nodes are arranged in order: for each node, all elements in its left subtree are less-or-equal to the node (<=), and all the elements in its right subtree are greater than the node (>).