AI Intro


  1. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach

What is AI

  • 强人工智能:think like humans

  • 弱人工智能: act rationally

    • 目前的研究都是弱人工智能
  • 发展: 达特茅斯会议→ 推理期(60s-70s)→ 知识期(80s初期 - 90s中期) → 学习期(2006)

What will we learn

  • Search 搜索与规划
  • knowledge 知识表达与处理
  • Uncertainty 不确定建模
  • Learning 机器学习


The agent function maps from percept histories to actions: \[ f: P^* \rarr A \]

Agent types

  • Simple reflex agents
    • 简单条件反射,作者把规则写进去
  • Reflex agents with state
    • 有记忆能力
  • Goal-based agents
    • 没有规则,只有目标
  • Utility-based agents
    • 最大化得分

All these can be turned into learning agents

  • Learning agents
    • 能够生成当下目标(Problem generator)