Optimization Methods- Lecture1
ref: Optimization Methods
- Mathematical Optimization
- Least-squares
- Linear Programming
- Convex Optimization
- Nonlinear Optimization
- Summary
Mathematical Optimization
Optimization Problem \[ min \quad \quad f_0(x) \\ s.t. \quad f_i(x) \leq b_i, \quad i=1,2,\dots,n \]
- Optimization Variable: \(x=(x_1,\dots,x_n)\)
- Objective Function: \(f_0:R^n \rarr R\)
- Constraint Functions: \(f_i:R^n \rarr R\)
\(x^*\) is called optimal or a solution
- \(f_i(x^*)\leq b_i\) , $i=1,,m $
- For any \(z\) with $f_i(z)b_i $, we have \(f_0(z)\geq f_0(x^*)\)
Linear Program 线性函数的定义 \[ f_i(\alpha x + \beta y) = \alpha f_i(x) + \beta f_i(y) \]
- For all \(x,y \in R^n\) and all \(\alpha, \beta \in R\)
- \(i\) 可以为\(0\)(目标函数), 也可以为\(1,2,\dots,n\)( 约束函数 )。 当优化问题的目标函数和约束函数都是线性函数时, 整个问题称为线性规划(线性问题)
Nonlinear Program
- If the Optimization Problem is not linear
Convex Optimization Problem \[ f_i(\alpha x + \beta y) \leq \alpha f_i(x) + \beta f_i(y) \]
For all \(x,y \in R^n\) and all \(\alpha, \beta \in R\) with \(\alpha + \beta=1, \alpha \geq 0, \beta \geq 0\)
- 只要求对\(\alpha + \beta=1, \alpha \geq 0, \beta \geq 0\)的\(\alpha, \beta\)成立, 实际上把条件放松了
\[ min \quad \quad f_0(x) \\ s.t. \quad f_i(x) \leq b_i, \quad i=1,2,\dots,n \]
- Abstraction
- \(x\) represents the choice made
- \(f_i(x) \leq b_i\) represent firm requirements that limit the possible choices
- \(f_0(x)\) represents the cost of choosing
- A solution corresponds to a choice that has minimum cost, among all choices that meet the requirements
Portfolio Optimization
- Variables
- \(x_i\) represents the investment in the \(𝑖_th\) asset
- \(x \in R\) describes the overall portfolio allocation across the set of asset
- Constraints
- A limit on the budget the requirement
- Investments are nonnegative
- A minimum acceptable value of expected return for the whole portfolio
- Objective
- Minimize the variance of the portfolio return 投资的回报最稳定( 也可以把目标换成期望的回报最高 )
Device Sizing
- Variables
- \(x \in R^n\) describes the widths and lengths of the devices
- Constraints
- Limits on the device
- Timing
- A limit on the total area of the circuit
- Objective
- Minimize the total power consumed by the circuit
Data Fitting
- Variables
- \(x \in R^n\) describes parameters in the model
- Constraints
- Prior information
- Required limits on the parameters (such as nonnegativity)
- Objective
- Minimize the prediction error between the observed data and the values predicted by the model
Solving Optimization Problems
- General Optimization Problem
- Very difficult to solve
- Constraints can be very complicated, the number of variables can be very large 约束复杂, 变量多
- Methods involve some compromise, e.g., computation time, or suboptimal solution
- Exceptions
- Least-squares problems
- Linear programming problems
- Convex optimization problems
The Problem \[ min \quad ||Ax-b||_2^2 = \sum_{i=1}^k { (a_i^T x - b_i)^2 } \]
- \(A \in R^{k \times n}\) , \(a_i^T\) is the \(i_{th}\) row of \(A,b \in R^k\)
- \(A \in R^n\) is the optimization variable
Setting the gradient to be 0 \[ 2A^T(Ax-b)=0 \\ \rarr \quad A^TAx = A^Tb \\ \rarr \quad x = (A^TA)^{-1}A^Tb \]
A Set of Linear Equations \[ A^TAx = A^Tb \]
Solving least-squares problems
- Reliable and efficient algorithms and software
- Computation time proportional to \(n^2k( A \in R^{k \times n})\) ; less if structured
- A mature technology
- Challenging for extremely large problems
Using Least-squares
Easy to Recognize
Weighted least-squares \[ \sum\limits_{i=1}^k w_i( a_i^Tx-b_i )^2 \] 把\(w_i\)移到括号里就是标准最小二乘
- Different importance
Different importance \[ \sum\limits_{i=1}^k ( a_i^Tx-b_i )^2 + \rho \sum\limits_{i=1}^n x_i^2 \] 也可化为标准最小二乘
- More stable,避免过拟合
Linear Programming
The Problem \[ min \quad c^Tx \\ s.t. \quad a_i^Tx \leq b_i, \quad i = 1, \dots, m \]
- \(c,a_1,\dots,a_m \in R^n, b_1, \dots, b_m \in R\)
Solving Linear Programs
- No analytical formula for solution
- Reliable and efficient algorithms and software
- Computation time proportional to \(𝑛^2𝑚\) if $ m 𝑛$; less with structure
- A mature technology
- Challenging for extremely large problems
Using Linear Programming
- Not as easy to recognize
- Chebyshev Approximation Problem
\[ min \quad \max\limits_{i=1,\dots,k} |a_i^Tx-b_i| \\ \iff min \quad t \quad \quad \quad s.t. \quad t = \max\limits_{i=1,\dots,k} |a_i^Tx-b_i| \\ \quad\quad \quad \iff min \quad t \quad \quad \quad s.t. \quad t \geq |a_i^Tx-b_i|, {i=1,\dots,k} ( 因为最小化,所以可以等价 )\\ \quad \quad \quad\iff min \quad t \quad \quad \quad s.t. \quad t \geq |a_i^Tx-b_i|, {i=1,\dots,k} \\ \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \iff min \quad t \quad \quad \quad s.t. \quad -t \leq a_i^Tx-b_i \leq t, {i=1,\dots,k} \\ \]
Convex Optimization
Local minimizers are also global minimizers
The Problem \[ f_i(\alpha x + \beta y) \leq \alpha f_i(x) + \beta f_i(y) \]
For all \(x,y \in R^n\) and all \(\alpha, \beta \in R\) with \(\alpha + \beta=1, \alpha \geq 0, \beta \geq 0\)
Least-squares and linear programs as special cases
Solving Convex Optimization Problems
- No analytical solution
- Reliable and efficient algorithms (e.g., interior-point methods)
- Computation time (roughly) proportional to \(\max\{n^3,n^2m,F\}\)
- \(F\) is cost of evaluating \(f_i\)'s and their first and second derivatives
- Almost a technology
- Often difficult to recognize
- Many tricks for transforming problems into convex form
- Surprisingly many problems can be solved via convex optimization
Nonlinear Optimization
- An optimization problem when the objective or constraint functions are not linear, but not known to be convex
- Sadly, there are no effective methods for solving the general nonlinear programming problem
- Could be NP-hard
- We need compromise
Local Optimization Methods
- Find a point that minimizes \(f_0\) among feasible points near it
- The compromise is to give up seeking the optimal \(x\)
- Fast, can handle large problems
- Differentiability
- Require initial guess
- Provide no information about distance to (global) optimum
- Local optimization methods are more art than technology
- 全凭运气
Global Optimization
- Find the global solution
- The compromise is efficiency
- Worst-case complexity grows exponentially with problem size
- Applications
- A small number of variables, where computing time is not critical
- The value of finding the true global solution is very high
- Worst-case Analysis of a high value or safety-critical system
- Variables represent uncertain parameters
- Objective function is a utility function
- Constraints represent prior knowledge
- If the worst-case value is acceptable, we can certify the system as safe or reliable 能证明系统可靠
- Local optimization methods can be tried
- If finding values that yield unacceptable performance, then the system is not reliable 局部优化已经发现了不可接受的值,那系统就不可靠
- But it cannot certify the system as reliable 只能证明系统不可靠,不能证明可靠
Role of Convex Optimization in Nonconvex Problems
- Initialization for local optimization
- An approximate, but convex, formulation
- Convex heuristics for nonconvex optimization
- Sparse solutions (compressive sensing)
- Bounds for global optimization 通过凸优化来找全局优化问题的下界
- Relaxation 把条件松弛
- Lagrangian relaxation