L15 Path in Graph
Single-Sources shortest paths( SSSP )
- Dijkstra algorithm by example
- Priority queue-based implementation
- Proof of correctness
All-pairs shortest paths( APSP )
- Shortest path and transitive closure
- Warshall algorithm for transitive closure
- BF1, BF2, BF3 => Warshall algorithm
- Floyd algorithm for shortest paths
- 算法设计与分析(Algorithm design and analysis) by 黄宇
Single-source shortest paths
Dijkstra algorithm
- 懂得都懂
- 不能有负权边
Priority queue-based implementation
1 | void shortestPaths( EdgeList[] adjinfo, int n, int s, int[] parent, float[] fringeWgt ) |
1 | void updateFringe( MinPQ pq, EdgeList adjinfoOfV, int v ) |
- 归纳法 + 反证
The Dijkstra Skeleton
- Single-source shortest path( SSSP )
- SSSP + node weight constraint
- E.g. in routing
- SSSP + capacity constraint
- The "pipe problem"
- The "electric vehicle problem"
All-pairs shortest paths
- For all pairs of vertices in a graph, say, u, v:
- Is there a path from u to v?
- What is the shortest path from u to v?
- Reachability as a (reflexive) transitive closure of the adjacency relation
- Which can be represented as a bit matrix
Warshall algorithm for transitive closure
Warshall algorithm
BF0: 对每个点用Dijkstra
BF1: Shortcut Algorithm \(O(n^4)\)
BF2: Emurate all edges (x,v) \(O(n^2m)\)
- v as the destination
3While any entry of R changed
for every edge(x,v)
r_uv = r_uv ∪ ( r_ux ∩ r_xv )BF3: Length of the Path \(O(n^4)\)
- Recursion
- Reachable via at most k edges
- Enumeration
- Enumerate all path length
- Enumerate all sources and destinations
- Recursion
1 | for k=1 to n-1 |
Warshall Algorithm
- \(O(n^3)\)
9void simplTransitiveClosure( boolean[][] A, int n, boolean[][] R )
int i,j,k;
Copy A to R;
Set all main diagonal entries, r_{ii}, to true;
while( any entry of R changed during one complete pass )
for( k=1; k <= n ; k++ )
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
for(j=1; j<=n;j++)
r_{ij} = r_{ij} ∪ ( r_{ik}∩ r_{kj} )
Correctness of the Warshall Algorithm
- 归纳法
Floyd algorithm for shortest paths
- 和求可达性一模一样
- Basic formula:
\[ D^{(0)}[i][j] = w_{ij} \\ D^{(k)}[i][j]= min( D^{(k-1)}[i][j], D^{(k-1)}[i][k] + D^{(k-1)}[k][j] ) \]
Floyd algorithm是一个框架,不只是一个算法