L11 Graph Traversal
- General DFS/BFS Skeleton
- Depth-First Search Trace
Ref: 算法设计与分析(Algorithm design and analysis) by 黄宇
Graph Coloring
在遍历过程中, 节点会经历三种状态:
白色: 节点尚未被遍历到.
灰色: 节点已经被遍历到, 但对于它的遍历尚未结束.
黑色: 节点自身的遍历已经结束.
1 | public enum Color { |
1 | dfs-wrapper( 用于不连通图,可以遍历所有连通片 ) |
1 | bfs(G,s) |
- 图遍历算法的复杂度都是\(\Theta(m+n)\) (m为边数,n是顶点数), 称为“线性时间”.
Depth-First Search Trace
- T.E(tree edge): 当检查\(u\)的所有邻居时, 如果发现一个白色邻居节点\(v\)并对 \(v\) 递归地DFS, 此时将边\(uv\)标记为TE.
- 在图的某个连通片内部进行遍历时,所有TE组成的子图是连通的,且包含该连通篇中所有的点.
- 如果忽略所有边的方向, 则这些TE组成当前连通片的一棵生成树, 称之为"DFS树".
- 如果以开始遍历的点为根,则从根结点指向所有叶节点的方向,就是遍历过程推进的方向,根据这一方向可以为TE的两个节点定义父子关系,父子关系传递形成祖先、后继关系( 父子关系 == 直接的祖先 后继关系 )
- B.E(back edge): 当节点\(u\)的邻居 \(v\) 在前面的遍历过程中已经被访问到, 并且\(v\) 是 \(u\) 的祖先节点
- D.E(descendant edge): 当节点\(u\)的邻居 \(v\) 在前面的遍历过程中已经被访问到, 并且\(v\) 是 \(u\) 的后继节点
- C.E(cross edge): 以上三点都不是。 即\(u\)的邻居\(v\)不是白色节点,且二者无祖先或后继关系.
Time Relation on Changing Color(DFS)
Keeping the order in which vertices are encountered for the first or last time
A global integer time: 离散计数器, 初始值为\(0\), 每次节点变色加一,最终值为\(2n\)
Array discoverTime: the \(i^{th}\) element records the vertex \(v_i\) turns into gray
Array finishTime: the \(i^{th}\) element records the vertex \(v_i\) turns into black
The active interval for vertex \(v\), denoted as active(v), is the duration while \(v\) is gray, that is:
active(\(v\)) = [ discoverTime, finishTime ]
Properties of Active Intervals
- 定理4.1
\(w\) 是 \(v\)在DFS树中的后继节点, 当且仅当active(\(w\))\(\subset\)active(\(v\)). 若\(w \neq v\), 则此处的包含为真包含.
\(w\) 和 \(v\)没有祖先后继关系,当且仅当active(\(w\))和active(\(v\))互不包含
If \(v\) and \(w\) have no ancestor/descendent relationship in the DFS forest, then their active intervals are disjoint.
If \(vw \in E_G\), then
- \(vw\) is a cross edge iff. active(w) entirely precedes active(v).
- \(w\)只能是黑色或灰色。 如果是黑色,其结束时间一定早于\(v\)的开始时间,证毕。 如果是灰色,因为是CE,因此二者无祖先后继关系,因此二者活动区间互不包含,\(w\) 先被遍历,因此 \(w\)的活动区间在\(v\)之前 ??
- \(vw\) is a descendant edge iff. there is some third vertex \(x\), such that \(active(w) \subset active(x) \subset active(v)\).
- \(vw\) is a tree edge iff. \(active(w) \subset active(v)\), and there is no third vertex x, such that \(vw\) is a descendant edge iff. there is some third vertex x, such that \(active(w) \subset active(x) \subset active(v)\).
- \(vw\) is back edge \(active(v) \subset active(w)\).
- \(vw\) is a cross edge iff. active(w) entirely precedes active(v).
Ancestor and Descendant
[White Path Theorem] \(w\) is a descendant of \(v\) in a DFS tree iff. at the time \(v\) is discovered( just to be changing color into gray), there is a path in \(G\) from \(v\) to \(w\) entirely of white vertices.
充分性: 如果节点 \(v\)是\(w\)的祖先,则考察从\(v\)到\(w\)的TE组成的路径, 在\(v\)刚刚被发现的时刻, 该路径是一条白色路径.
必要性: 已知节点\(v\)到\(w\)存在白色路径. 采用归纳法证明, 对白色路径长度\(k\)做归纳:
- 初始情况, \(k=0\), 显然成立.
- 假设对于所有长度小于\(k\)的白色路径结论成立. 下面考虑长度为\(k\)的白色路径\(P=v \rightarrow x_1 \rightarrow \dots \rightarrow x_i \dots \rightarrow w\).
- 随着遍历的推进, 假设节点\(x_i\)是\(P\)上第一个被遍历过程发现的节点, 基于节点\(x_i\), 将\(P\)分为两小段:
- \(P_1=v \rightarrow \dots \rightarrow x_i\).
- \(P_2=x_i \rightarrow \dots \rightarrow w\).
- 由于\(P_2\)是长度小于\(k\)的白色路径, 所以\(x_i\)是\(w\)在遍历树中的祖先. 由定理4.1, 易知\(v\)是\(x_i\)在遍历树中的祖先, 则\(v\)是\(w\)在遍历树中的祖先