L7 Selection


  • Lower bound and adversary argument
  • Selection - select the median
    • Expected linear time
    • Worst-case linear time
  • A Lower bound for Finding the Median


  • 算法设计与分析(Algorithm design and analysis) by 黄宇

Lower bound and adversary argument

  • Adversary argument: 对一个算法而言是worst-case的input.
  • Adversary strategy: 指导你构造adversary argument的策略

Finding max and min

  • 对n个元素,找出最大和最小

    • Brute force: 先n-1次comparison找出最大, 拿出该元素,对其余n-1个元素进行n-2次comparison找出最小
  • The strategy

    • Pair up the keys, and do n/2 comparisons( if n odd, having E[n] uncompared ) 把数组一分为二,两两比较. 最大元素肯定在大的那边,最小元素肯定在小的那边
    • Doing findMax for larger key set and findMin for small key set respectively( if n odd, E[n] included in both sets )
  • Number of comparisons

    • For even n: \[ n/2 + 2(n/2 - 1) = 3n/2 - 2 \]

    • For odd n:

    \[ (n-1)/2 + 2( (n-1)/2 - 1 + 1 ) = \rceil 3n/2 \rceil - 2 \]

现在用adversary argument证明这个问题的下界是 \(\frac32n - 2\)

Unit of Information

  • Max and Min
    • That x is max can only be known when it is sure sure that every key other than x has lost some comparison
    • That y is min can only be known when it is sure sure that every key other than y has win some comparison
  • Each win or loss is counted as one unit of information
    • Any algorithm must have at least 2n - 2 units of information to be sure of specifying the max and min.
    • 因此,算法至少要获取 2n - 2 个信息元

Adversary Strategy

  • Construct an input to force the algorithm to do more comparisons as possible 构造一个输入,使得获取2n - 2* 个信息元需要花费尽可能多的比较

    • To give away as few as possible units of new information with each comparison
      • It can be achieved that 2 units of new information are given away only when the status is N,N
      • It is always possible to give adversary response for other status so that at most one new unit of information is given away, without any inconsistencies
      • So, the Lower bound is $n/2 + n - 2 $ ( for even n)

    \[ n/2 \times 2 + ( n - 2 ) \times 1 = 2n - 2 (信息元) \]

    • 对所有算法而言,面对这个(adversary argument的)输入, 要尽可能少地比较,来凑足 2n-2个信息元. 算法最多能进行 \(\frac {n}2\) 次信息元为2的比较, 而对于剩下的 n - 2 个信息元,算法只能进行信息元为1的比较
  • The principle: let the key win if it never lose, or, let the key lose if it never win, and change one value if necessary

Finding 2nd max

  • Brute force - using FindMax twice
    • \(2n-3\) comparisons
  • For a better algorithm
    • Collect some useful information from the first FindMax
  • Observations
    • The key which loses to a key other than max can not be the 2nd largest key
    • To check "whether you lose to max?"


  • Any algorithm that finds secondLargest must also find max before ( n - 1 )

  • The secondLargest can only be in those which lose directly to max

  • On its path along which bubbling uo to the root of tournament tree, max beat \(\lceil logn \rceil\) keys at most( 根据锦标赛树的数据结构可以证明 )

  • Pick up secondLargest (依然用FindMax)

  • Total cost: $ n + logn - 2$​

  • 下面解释为什么该算法是最优

Weight Key

  • Assigning a weight w(n) to each key

    • The initial values are all 1.
  • Adversary strategy

Lower Bound by Adversary: Details

  • Note: the sum of weights is always n

  • Let x is max, then x is the only nonzero weighted key, that is \(w(x) = n\)​.

  • By the adversary rules: \[ w_k(x) \le 2w_{k - 1}(x) \]

  • So, \(K \le \lceil logn\rceil\)

    • 注意,之前算法的\(\lceil logn\rceil\)是从锦标赛树的数学性质得出的, 而这里的\(\lceil logn\rceil\)是下界证明
  • 所以该问题的下界是$ n + logn - 2$

Finding the Median: the Strategy

  • Observation
    • If we can partition the problem the set of keys into 2 subsets: S1, S2, such that any key in S1 is smaller that that of S2, the median must located in the set with more elements
      • Adjusting the Rank
  • Divide-and-Conquer

Partitioning: Larger and Smaller

  • average-case O(n)

  • Dividing the array to be considered into two subsets: "small" and "large", the one with more elements will be processed recursively 运用快排的思想进行分析,只对median所在的那侧进行递归

  • 平均情况复杂度分析和快排一样,由于每次只对一侧进行递归, 所以在“所有输入各不相同,所有可能的输入等概率出现”的情况下,平均情况复杂度为:( 在此情况下pivot在中间 ) \[ n + n/2 + n/4 + \cdots \in O(n) \]

Partition improved: the strategy

  • worst-case O(n)
  • 方法和解释见书上

$ W(n) <= 6( n 5 ) + W( n 5 ) + 4r + W(7R + 2)$

  • 分析见书上

Lower Bound by Adversary

Crucial Comparison

  • A crucial comparison
    • Establishing the relation of some x to the median
  • Def( for a comparison involving a key x )
    • Crucial Comparison for x: the first comparison between x and y, for some y >= median, or x < y for some y <= median
    • Non-Crucial Comparison for x: the first comparison between x and y, where x > median and y < median, or vise versa

Lower Bound for Selection Median Problem

  • Theorem:

    • Any algorithm to find the median of n keys ( for odd n 偶数情况更复杂,但没什么新思想,所以不考虑 ) by comparison of keys must do at least \(3n/2 - 3/2\)​​ comparisons in the worst case
  • Argument

    • Adversary strategy构造这样一个输入: 中位数在最后, 而前N-1个元素,在两两比较时,比较的结果不能与之前的结果构成传递关系( 即 不会出现x > y, y > z,使得你可以节省一次x和z的比较 ),

      • 算法对前N - 1个元素,要比较至少 ( N-1 )/ 2 次( 即两两都是没比过的元素进行比较,一共 (N - 1 )/ 2 组 ), 而最后一个树(它是中位数)需要和前N-1个元素比较,这就是最坏情况
  • $ 2 + n - 1 = 2 - 2$